Blogger has been an awesome home for many years. Well, since the beginning of online blogs. In fact, I started this blog before blog was a word, when it was a diary. And I called it my 'online diary'. I still do. Blogger was there for me before anyone was blogging. before people realized writing online was a daily habit. I've been doing it since the beginning of the Internet, thanks to Blogger. But now Mz Blogger and I will part. It's been a wonderful marriage, till now. But I've found a new writing partner, and it's called tumblr. Interestingly, I was also using my tumblr before people knew how good it was to tumble. And now tumblr is such a craze, like blogger used to be, that my audience prefers to tumble with me instead, and so i've listened.
So adieu blogger. And hello tumblr.
Find me at - my artistry and expression
and, - good inspiration for artists and creative warriors in life.
Gilli Moon